Monday, May 17, 2010

Did I leave you hanging?

Yes, we are back...I guess it has taken me so long to finish my journey's blog because I really didn't want it to end!!! Yet, all things must come to an end but when one door closes another opens. The ship's door closed, we walked down the gangway for the last time, said our goodbyes to the wonderful crew, and turned in our "don't leave room without it" card and planted our feet back in the USA. Now to relive the memories of the people, places and try and share with all of our friends the similiarities and the differences of different countries and their people. I would do it again....Ken would do a segment but three months was a bit long for him.

Back in the USA we along with our now ten pieces of luggage finally found a town car that cost an arm and leg to transport us to the hotel where we met my son, Chris. We spent two days in NYC touring in the "big red hop on hop off" bus and left just in time. We left Saturday morning to drive to Maine and the bomb scare in Times Square was Sat. night. It seems our whole trip we just missed events like hurricanes, protests, strikes, etc. We sure were blessed the whole way, especially with the weather. The people were out in NYC as the day was a beauty which apparently they had not experienced in awhile.

We drove up to Maine and spent the week at a friend's beach house.... a very generous friend, Heidi and loved it. The Rill family (with five childen) met us there and the week was filled with touring the coast, playing on the beach and once again enjoying exceptional warm weather. We even had a graduation on the beach for the oldest Rill child, Brixton who graduated from eighth grade....he was home schooled and will be going into high school. Not too many students have a graduation on the was very touching as his dad spoke of his transition into becoming an adult.

Ken and I took the youngest girls to Bar Harbor for a day and Ken had more fun than all three of us put together. He really enjoyed singing, telling stories and of course shopping with the young ladies and they were a pleasure to be with.

Chris' graduation topped the trip off with his Baccalaureate on Friday eve and graduation on Sat. morning. I can not tell you how proud we all are of Chris and his determination and persistance in achieving his Master's in Divinty. Staying in school for seven straight years, after 12 years is amazing to me!!! He's not done yet, though, as he was awarded the top scholarship from his seminary to study in Edinburg, Scotland next year!! Road trip!!!

Ken, Chris and I visited friends of Chris to see their garden after graduation...wonderful place and had dinner with one of my good friends that I grew up with, MaryLou and her husband Keith.

And to end the trip of all trips, journeys of all journeys and adventures of all adventures Sunday morning we celebrated Mother's Day with a wonderful breakfast and gathering of our group where Tammie and I were the honored Mother's. I may add Tammie really deserves it...mother of five and home schools them all. Their whole family is a great team led by Tammie and her hsuband Dave. After saying goodbye to all, which wasn't too hard as Chris would be driving home and the Rills will be visiting us in June, we drove to the airport and flew home to Destin where Jenny picked us up. She had flowers waiting for me at the house and when Nick called to wish me a Happy Mother's Day my day was complete!!!

So the dots on our map are now all connected....we made the trip all the way around the is so hard to believe. Ken and I keep asking each other....were we really gone? Were we really on the other side of the world? WOW!!! Has reality set in? Who knows? What I do know is I am a very fortunate person and so blessed that I was able to experience this trip. Now, back to pulling weeds in my garden, where I also am blessed. Maybe I'm not in another country, not living where I have 24 room service, not having my bed made everyday and food prepared for me, yet I am with my wonderful family and friends living in beautiful Destin where the beaches ARE the most beautiful beaches in the world and digging in the dirt. What more could a gal ask for?

Thanx for sharing this voyage with us...Amen!!!

janet and ken

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